Friday, August 26, 2011

Too tired for a title...

Well, here it goes: Blog #2! Told you I'd be better about updating this thing. :)

So, my life today is yet again, another rollercoaster. I'm beginning to believe I'm never going to get off of this adventure ride. Got some pretty hurtful news today, but then again, what's new?

Relationships are hard and complicated things. You can't make someone love you if they don't want to or can't love you, and you just can't make yourself stop loving someone whenever you want to. I'll tell you this: It's hard to look at someone you love, knowing they don't love you back. Life sucks sometimes.

But, y'all know me, gotta make this positive: God is looking out for each and every one of us. He knows what's going on in our lives, and he knows what's best for us. Just gotta learn to keep your eye on the prize. Don't live in the past, but don't forget to look in the rear-view mirror every once in a while. We shouldn't bask in what has happened to us, but we don't need to forget the lessons we've learned either.

Sorry, this might seem a little scatterbrained- i've taken some cough medicine (for my bronchitis) and it's making me a little tired.

Success happened today. One step closer to some of my goals. Lost 2 pounds. Yay for me.

Well, that's about it. I need some sleep.

Song of the Day: If you could only see; Tonic. Listen and Love.

You know you love me,

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