Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Just come and hold my hand for a while.

I'm so sorry I haven't been blogging. I know all of you are dying to know what I've been doing that has kept me from all of your lovely selves. Well, the answer is EVERYTHING. If you could only imagine. It's been intense.

So, chili cook-off is this weekend. (YAY.) I won't be so busy running around like a mad woman trying to get everything together for this, which makes Kelly a happier, less stressed girl! We almost have everything together though. We have a few couple of last minute things and that's about it for us.

I hate to be negative on here, but I'm going to spill a little of my heart. I'm so homesick. I have no idea why. It seems to hit me at the worst possible times. I miss my family and the people I love sooo much at home. I'm trying to deal with a closure on an ex-boyfriend, who seems to all the sudden have an interest again. Boys are so complicated. :\ I tried to give them up, and came to the conclusion it was just too hard. (Go figure.) My life wouldn't be so complicated if my best friends Jessica and Samantha lived here. Honestly, sometimes I feel like they are the only people I can be myself around. It's hard sometimes to act like everything is perfect in my life, and I'm so happy I have them to fall back on when I all my emotions finally bubbles over.

Back to reality. I think I've finally learned how to put myself into place, which is definitely a good thing for me. I'm starting to learn what my priorities are and how to get them in line...(it only took me 18 years....) But, it makes my life easier now that I can balance everything. Yay me.

This blog has been kind of a downer, sorry guys. I promise this will get better. My life will get better. :) Thanks for all the support all of you have given me. You are amazing people.

Love Life Update:
1. Boys are dumb and I'm not updating this anymore.
2. I kinda like a certain boy, and he'll know soon. :)

You know you love me,

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I wish I could be there for the Chili Cook Off. I know you have worked very hard on it.

    Glad to know things are turning around for you.
    On other notes...keep your chin up!

    You know you are loved :)
