Monday, September 3, 2012

I don't wanna be just another face you see...

I only waited almost two months this time! I know I say this alot, but I really enjoy going back and reading posts from the past. My previous post really gave me the motivation I needed to move on with school and life for the next semester. I start the last semester of my junior year tomorrow. I can't believe I am one year and four months away from being a NURSE. I feel so accomplished. I am going to get a little sentimental now: I really couldn't have made it this far without the unconditional love and support of my dear family and friends. My parents have been able to give me so much and push me so hard that I really am proud of what I have accomplished in my life. To them: I know alot of times I seem ungrateful for the things that I have, but I never will take for granted the love and support I have received over my (almost) 23 years. I really don't know what I would do without any of you. As for my friends, many have stepped and stepped out, but I know you would be there for me any second I needed. To my friends from high school, to the state friends/ZTA girls, to my family of nursing friends. I couldn't have done it without any of you. Every one of you keep sane and I love you all dearly. As some of you know, I lost a dear friend this weekend. It has really taken a toll on how I live my life. The person and I weren't extremely close, but he was a person dear to my heart. Please keep his family in your prayers. Life is so short. I am learning to express my feelings when I can, because sometimes we may not have much time. Sometimes it seems like we have a lifetime to let people know we care, but in reality, many times lives get cut short for various reasons. We have to follow our hearts and trust God's will. He knows what is best for us. I have finally picked back up the pace with my working out. I have a more convenient gym membership so I am able to go more often. It seems to be working well. I have also started making my own recipes to sample. I really enjoy this. That's pretty much it. Song: Saturday Girl, Ingram Hill. You know you love me, GG

Monday, July 9, 2012

Maybe God just kinda likes Cowboys and Angels...

Well, It's been four months since I blogged last. Surprised? Again, looking back, I see how different my life is from the last time I blogged until now. It's amazing how much someone's life can change in four months. As far as an update on my life, my main focus right now is summer school. Never knew how much the "Real World" was going to suck, but I'm definitely getting a nice taste of it right now. I have ONE month left of summer school before I am off to a 3 week vacation. CAN. NOT. WAIT. I have 4 semesters left of school. I'm starting to get giddy about graduation. Next December I will have RN, BSN behind my name! Just got to push through until December and it will all be downhill from there. Clinicals are super exciting. I've learned so much about what being a nurse is really like. It's exciting. There really is never a dull moment. I LOVE IT. Thinking back to when I started college, almost 4 years ago, I would have never thought this is where I would be. It's amazing how God takes you on a journey, placing you exactly where he wants you to be. He brings people in your life when you are at your very lowest and pulls you back up again. I thank him everyday for the things he has done and the people he has brought into my life. I ended a friendship with a good friend this week. I never knew how hard it would be to go through ending something like this, but it really has been rough on me. However, I don't feel like If I am putting in 100% to be a good friend to you, and you're giving me 10%, that I can deal with it. I don't have time to allow someone who doesn't want to give me their full friendship to take up my time. I am mentally and emotionally drained from this semester. I never thought I could learn to live on 5 hours of sleep every night. You learn something new everyday, right? I miss some days when I actually had a social life, got to sleep at least 9 hours every night, and actually had time to myself. I know I have to keep moving. This is only a season, as Ms. Anderson would say. As far as a love life, I'm just trying to take it easy. I know that if God can bring me all the way from my decision to become a pharmacist at MSU to 4 semesters away from being a NURSE, He is going to bring the perfect person into my life. Simple as that. I know that He has a perfect plan, and I'm just going to sit back and watch it unfold. My weight loss was going very nicely for a while. I have gotten so busy with school that working out got put on the back burner. It's time to drag it back out. I feel so much better when I am working out. Serious dieting starts this week. Promise. This is alot of info for me to go back and look at in about a month when I will get on here next, but I love to see where my life is and where it has been. Song for today: Cowboys and Angels, Dustin Lynch. LOVE it. You know you love me, GG

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I realized tonight how long its been since I've posted my last blog. Once again, I go back and read all the things I have thought and said, and see how far I have come since the last time I posted. It is such a blessing.

I am constantly reminded how blessed I am. Looking back, I thought my life was so hard, and wondered why things happened to me, but in the end, I know it has made me the person I am today. I can't say I'm completely proud of me, but that is only because I know I have to keep on trucking on the journey to bettering myself.

Like the last post, school is ridiculous- and just when I thought it was bad last semester, I see how different everything is this semester. Ten times harder. LOVE my life. Making it though, and doing rather well for myself.

I have decided to get my body back to the way it was last year around this time. I can't stand to feel tired all the time. I am going to get back to my 5 day workout weeks and healthy food. It is going to be a struggle, but I am tired of being overweight. It is time to finally do something for me. I deserve this. I will be keeping everyone updated on the progress, hopefully a weekly blog.

Talked to an old friend last night for my birthday. It was super exciting, but made me miss this person so much. It's like another part of you is missing. Eventually, everything will fall into place.

Song of the day: One Day You Will, Lady A.- seems fitting.

You know you love me,

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


it's midnight. i'm, of course, still awake-even though I know I have to be up early in the morning. cool. Last night and tonight have been a little rough. I'm not really sure how to think about life. Today, I had the realization that the person you know you're destined to be with will be your best friend. They will be through there through everything. I have two of those, but both already have significant others.

My control issues are at an all-time high right now. It's so hard to let God handle things in your life, because you think you know what is best for you. He has a better plan than we could ever imagine, and I have to make myself remember that, especially on nights like tonight where I wonder where the love of my life could be. Being single (now, for almost a month), it has shown me how much I needed to be alone. This shows me that God knows what's best for me.

My social life has finally picked back up again. I've missed being around people who want to be around me. Thank God for my friends.

School is killing me. I should have listened to my friends and not have taken two science classes. AHH, Baptist, why must you make everything so hard...

I miss my guy best friends. period.

This weekend will be good. I promise.

Song of the day: Wanted, Hunter Hayes.

You know you love me,

Monday, September 5, 2011

Down the road the sun is shining...

Just a warning: Emotional Wreck is about to happen.

I just wish some people would go fall off a cliff. Break-ups happen. I know that. But, seriously, do guys have to check to make sure they hurt you bad enough? Is it necessary to text someone just to make them relive the last X number of months and weeks that you spent together? I literally don't know that i've ever hurt this bad before. I thought I was doing okay. Until, he had to cut open an already deep wound. I want to hate you. I really do. But I just don't know that I have it in me.

To the person who did this to me:
I want you to know how bad this hurts. The physical pain is almost unbearable. I cry myself to sleep about five nights a week. The other two nights, i've passed out from taking cough syrup. You don't even care. You never did. I wish i would have never let myself get to the point that I did with you. You are a sorry piece of crap. I hope the next girl does the same exact thing to you that you just did to me. I guess it helps that you know you treated me like crap....

To the people who have been there, I thank God everyday for each of you. You can't even imagine how much I appreciate you. Even at midnight, you're there to cheer me up. My new friends, and the ones who have always been there: you guys are amazing. I couldn't have made it where I am in life without you.

Sorry, I had to get this all off my chest. I'm not usually like this...

Song for today: One Day You Will, Lady A. Perfect Song.

You know you love me,

Friday, August 26, 2011

Too tired for a title...

Well, here it goes: Blog #2! Told you I'd be better about updating this thing. :)

So, my life today is yet again, another rollercoaster. I'm beginning to believe I'm never going to get off of this adventure ride. Got some pretty hurtful news today, but then again, what's new?

Relationships are hard and complicated things. You can't make someone love you if they don't want to or can't love you, and you just can't make yourself stop loving someone whenever you want to. I'll tell you this: It's hard to look at someone you love, knowing they don't love you back. Life sucks sometimes.

But, y'all know me, gotta make this positive: God is looking out for each and every one of us. He knows what's going on in our lives, and he knows what's best for us. Just gotta learn to keep your eye on the prize. Don't live in the past, but don't forget to look in the rear-view mirror every once in a while. We shouldn't bask in what has happened to us, but we don't need to forget the lessons we've learned either.

Sorry, this might seem a little scatterbrained- i've taken some cough medicine (for my bronchitis) and it's making me a little tired.

Success happened today. One step closer to some of my goals. Lost 2 pounds. Yay for me.

Well, that's about it. I need some sleep.

Song of the Day: If you could only see; Tonic. Listen and Love.

You know you love me,

Thursday, August 25, 2011

All you need is Friends...

Well, kids, fell off the blogging wagon again. I am going to make an effort to blog more often now. I know what you're thinking- Heard that before...hahaha. But really. This time is for real.

I've decided, once again, it's time for goals. I have two weeks before school starts so I have time to get myself in gear. Plus, I watched the follow up video on the show called heavy tonight. Time to kick myself in high gear. So, Here's the list:

1. School is very important, and this semester is going to be super hard. I want to make a 3.5 GPA this semester. Stout, I know, but I know I can do it. Time to buckle down and STUDY!!

2. Don't fall in love at the Jersey Shore. (funny, yes, but I cannot let my relationships stop me from achieving my goals.)

3. Working out is a new priority, four days per week is the goal. I have motivation now that there's a tanning bed in the gym.

4. Get a pair of MissMe jeans for christmas. I can do this!!

5. Make it to at least 2 MSU home games this football season!

I guess five goals can be enough. I cannot wait to look back and see this! I want to know how I did with my goals this semester. I'm going to make a cute poster so I can keep up with how I am doing. Jessica G.- you would be so proud.

It's time to be the free-spirited happy me again. It's been about a month since I've felt that way. For some reason, my heart hurts. I just have to lean on God and know that what he's doing in my life is what is best for me. Because, after all, it is...

Quote of the Day: “No matter who broke your heart, or how long it takes to heal, you’ll never get through it without your friends.”

I need to thank my friends for putting up with me the past couple weeks. Thanks for letting me vent, cry on your shoulder, hug you until you about threw up, praying for me, and spending some of the best nights with me. I don't know what I could or would do without any of you. You hold a special place in my heart.

Special shout-out to my other halves javascript:void(0)in Madison, MS. :)

Song of the day: Freshman Year, Brantley Gilbert; Love reliving college...

You know you love me,