Wednesday, September 21, 2011


it's midnight. i'm, of course, still awake-even though I know I have to be up early in the morning. cool. Last night and tonight have been a little rough. I'm not really sure how to think about life. Today, I had the realization that the person you know you're destined to be with will be your best friend. They will be through there through everything. I have two of those, but both already have significant others.

My control issues are at an all-time high right now. It's so hard to let God handle things in your life, because you think you know what is best for you. He has a better plan than we could ever imagine, and I have to make myself remember that, especially on nights like tonight where I wonder where the love of my life could be. Being single (now, for almost a month), it has shown me how much I needed to be alone. This shows me that God knows what's best for me.

My social life has finally picked back up again. I've missed being around people who want to be around me. Thank God for my friends.

School is killing me. I should have listened to my friends and not have taken two science classes. AHH, Baptist, why must you make everything so hard...

I miss my guy best friends. period.

This weekend will be good. I promise.

Song of the day: Wanted, Hunter Hayes.

You know you love me,

Monday, September 5, 2011

Down the road the sun is shining...

Just a warning: Emotional Wreck is about to happen.

I just wish some people would go fall off a cliff. Break-ups happen. I know that. But, seriously, do guys have to check to make sure they hurt you bad enough? Is it necessary to text someone just to make them relive the last X number of months and weeks that you spent together? I literally don't know that i've ever hurt this bad before. I thought I was doing okay. Until, he had to cut open an already deep wound. I want to hate you. I really do. But I just don't know that I have it in me.

To the person who did this to me:
I want you to know how bad this hurts. The physical pain is almost unbearable. I cry myself to sleep about five nights a week. The other two nights, i've passed out from taking cough syrup. You don't even care. You never did. I wish i would have never let myself get to the point that I did with you. You are a sorry piece of crap. I hope the next girl does the same exact thing to you that you just did to me. I guess it helps that you know you treated me like crap....

To the people who have been there, I thank God everyday for each of you. You can't even imagine how much I appreciate you. Even at midnight, you're there to cheer me up. My new friends, and the ones who have always been there: you guys are amazing. I couldn't have made it where I am in life without you.

Sorry, I had to get this all off my chest. I'm not usually like this...

Song for today: One Day You Will, Lady A. Perfect Song.

You know you love me,