Sunday, October 24, 2010

I'm going to have to learn how to let you go somehow...

So, today is a downer kind of day. It rained today for the first time in months and it's doing crazy things to my emotions. I can't decide if I'm actually okay, or just pretending. I'm really confused about how I'm feeling right now. Am I over him or am I not?

Somehow, I'll move on baby just like you, when the desert floods and the grass grows blue...; Carrie Underwood.

All I want for my life is to be a successful nurse and mother. I want a beautiful marriage. It's just really hard being my age, which is not that old and seeing all of my friends getting engaged and married; and then there's me. It's really hard to trust God and be patient. But, I'm trying my hardest. That's for sure.

Anyway, there's my life. Hope it starts to look up soon.

You know you love me,

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Roll with it...

Bad things sometimes happen to good people. This is a lesson I'm beginning to learn in life. God doesn't put things in our path to be hurtful or to just sit back and laugh. Everything happens for a reason, whether you make a bad grade on a test, or lose your job. God is shaping us to be the best that we can be so he can use us in his kingdom. You have to praise him in the good times and trust him in the not-so-good times. Thank you, Romans 8:28.

Insight: You don't always know what you've got until it's gone. This is a perfect quote for what I am currently dealing with. Like in my last post, I misssss MSU. Although things in my life are going okay, I miss my support system so much. This also goes for my friends at home. I miss you guys too!

Little Bit of an Update:

1. SCHOOL: yay, good gradesss! Dr. Kerns, my A&P teacher curved exam #2 and I got an A! :) Working towards my first 4.0 and Dean's List in Nursing School. Finally doing what I love!

2. Dating: Too complicated. I've decided I have much better things to do with my time. If that special someone comes along, then we'll talk about dating then...

3. Employment: Also complicated. Job search isn't going too hot. I hope the Lord puts the right opportunity in my path soon.

4. Home life: Still crazy; The top is for my mother, and me of course.

I'm keeping my head up for now.

You know you love me,

Sunday, October 3, 2010

You live, You learn. ♥

You know, It's always great to be able to go back and see how I felt about things in the past. It was incredible reading my last post and knowing I learned and have matured from the experiences that I was going through at that time!

I know it's been an incredibly long time since I blogged last. I know this because I couldn't even remember the password to my blog. Thank goodness I finally remembered. I am going to have a hugeeee update starting NOW:

1. Love life: Well, see I was in a relationship for quite a while and it ended in early August. I can't believe it's almost been two months since the breakup! And, for all who know me, I would usually take something like this and let it be a negative experience, but I haven't. I am probably the happiest I have been in a long time. I am free to do as I please and I am growing as a person every day! I loveeee my life right now. As of new potentials: none so far and I'm probably going to keep it that way!

2. School: What's up, Nursing School? Yes, I transferred from the love of my life, MSU and I am now attending Baptist College of Health Sciences, located in Memphis, TN. Not going to lie, It's nothing like MSU, but it definitely has it's perks. My classes went from 250 people to 25. I am free to speak up in class! FINALLY! I feel that I learn better this way! I am making some new friends, and I'm pretty happy about it.

3. Here comes the cheesy, sad part: I miss Starkville, MS more than anyone would ever understand. Starkville is where I found myself. Where I can be myself and feel like no one judges me because they are all in the same boat I am. Zeta Tau Alpha girls were/are my life. Because of ZTA, I have found my best friends, my bridesmaids, and some of my lifelong friends. Never in a million years think that I would be the person I am today, but because of Mississippi State and the Gamma Zeta chapter of ZTA, I learned to become myself and I thank God everyday he gave me the experiences that he did while I was there.

4. Myself: This summer I went through my jaw surgery procedure! Finally, after two years of fighting insurance companies, I finally was able to have it. It was a fairly good experience, only had one major complication (I'll spare the details; it wasn't pretty.) I lost almost 20 pounds during the liquid diet I was on for 2 weeks, always a plus. Finally, it's been about 6 weeks now and almost all of my swelling is gone. On another note, I enjoy going to the gym now. It's pretty much one of my favorite things to do these days.

5. Employment: I am currently looking for a job, hopefully one in a hospital to get some good experience!

Anyway, that's about it for me, tonight! I have a huge test tomorrow!

You know you love me,